Sunday, February 25, 2007

I dont wanna blog cuz I'm to fat and lazy ((how ironic))

so....Mom, Denny, Candy, George and I have a bet/goal.

$$50dollarz in.....per person

Girls have to lose 13pounds in 50dayz
Guys have to lose 20pounds in 50dayz

who ever gets the closest to losing the amt. needed gets $$50from each person.
so damn son if I win I'll get 200$$...........shit hehe

I'm game, lol :D
so 13pounds eh? that wont be hard due to the below blog <33

Just the Good ol' Days

So this is the last weekend in February....I said once March came around I'm done smoking and yadda yadda's my test.

I have 3.5dayz to get high.. w/e I want...........then I gotta get mi ass straight. Get in Shape. Eat right.....train my body......Prepare for the Navy. <3

yea and I know not one person thinks I'm gonna do this but w/e I'm gonna do it and I don't care who believes me.

next step. cigs. I'm out right now so lets hope I can keep away from em for a few days. and then I should be set.....someone buy me a LOT of gum or this one isn't gonna happen lmao

btw....drinking is still in :D

Saturday, February 24, 2007

"Have you ..... ever seen a dog.....jump?"

.....this proves ur a pot head

"The rest of its shake............soOo do we like have JOINT papers?"

...................*blank stare*


"well maybe I like to call them JOINT papers...why cant i call them JOINT PAPERS?"

"well most ppl call them rolling papers"

"well im not MOST ppl i'm KENDRA"

"yea thats how we know ur a pot head"


"kendra...nvm..just nvm"

Friday, February 23, 2007


I hope this is a permanent fix...<3

I love joo

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

my night...

I went to Jimmy's hoping to have a friendly convo then work our way into talking bout "us" but then he gotta phone call from CHRISTA! and he left me to go "show her where howards was" ........ last I checked that would be about I hung around town for 3hours waiting for him......... then while crossing the road I just blacked out and down I went....weird..

so the ladee who was lettin me cross got out and nicely took me to Jimmy's so I could get mi shit and leave him a note.......and then she ran me up to the make sure everything was okay GAY!! then.....I effin WALKED HOME........and that wasn't even fun I almost passed out like 10timez...not even kewl......

I mean I expected a bad day cuz it is the 20th..............but I didn't expect to be ditched..........pass out.. yadda yadda yadda ..............

all I know is I have one wish and thats not even gonna come true cuz its to buzy.............


R.I.P's been 4months without you now. :( I love you forever..every day gets easier but its still not the same...............

I miss's nights like this I need you the most. :( I love you



I'm kinda confused on if you really wanna work with me or not..............but we'll figure it out in the long run <3

I just want you to know that I do indeed love you :D
I love you infinity timez over I love you

Monday, February 19, 2007

Bj <33


True to the end

My very best friend

When Life’s not fair

You’ll be right there.

No matter what you always care

Basically. You’re my air.

When tears fall, you wipe them away

When there are no words…you know what to say

You’re there for me day by day

I guess with this I’m trying to say is you’re my best friend

I love you like woah, until the end

:( damn the me know the truth

This is why I dont like valentines day....because u celebrate ur love ...and the day after ur significant other plots to break up with you.............. :'( shitty idk....


I don’t know what it is tonight ….

But even in the candle light

You shine up so bright!!

I want you in mi life for all my life

This life will never end….

Take my hand…

And I’ll fall in love again.

Each time we kiss

I reminisce

And then I fall in love again

I feel the rush

The must be love

Take me with you

To paradise

I want to fall in love again

……fall in love again.




.............................Christa all night.........

..........................................different story do u not believe the grapevine

.......................................will do anything make this alright

......................I'm sorry to you

.............I LOVE YOU!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Love............ :'(

Love by Don Hertzfeldt

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ever watch something thats SO TRUE!! but u dont wanna accept the fact that it is true?? specially on a day like

I'm sorry to all I've fucked over :'(

sry mmy :'(

Come Inside

Welcome to my head, prepare for a new reality.

For you are about to experience all of hells wrath!


Deafening noises exploding in your ears

Dragging out all of your very worse fears

Dropping to your knees because of the tears

Screaming so loudly that nobody hears.

Pretending you’re always courageous and strong

But inside you’re hoping this pain won’t last long

You’ve been running away from this all along.

Unwilling thoughts of suicide

And Forceful plots of Homicide

There’s no place to run and hide

Because it’s all right inside.

Torturing pain…

Inside your brain…..

Just enough, to drive you insane.

When you sleep you die

When you’re awake you’re high

Finally when you’re okay, it’s nothing but a lie!!

Demonic spirits appear in your head

Warning you, you’re soon to be dead

Voices whisper so loudly you rip out your hair

And when you look for help…nobody’s there

People try to help you all the time

But all you can do is pretend to be fine

Here’s my very last line….

Happy Fuckin’ Valentine!


"Everything Is Alright"

Tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.
Oh please tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.

Give me a reason to end this discussion,
To break with tradition.
To fold and divide.

Cause I hate the ocean, theme parks and airplanes,
Talking with strangers, waiting in line..
I'm through with these pills that make me sit still.
"Are you feeling fine?"
Yes, I feel just fine.

Tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.
Oh please tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.

I'm sick of the things I do when I'm nervous
Like cleaning the oven or checking my tires
Or counting the number of tiles in the ceiling..
Head for the hills, the kitchen's on fire!

I used to rely on self-medication,
I guess I still do that from time to time.
But I'm getting better at fighting the future,
"Someday you'll be fine.."
Yes, I'll be just fine.

Tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.
Oh please tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.

Give me a reason (I don't believe a word)
To end this discussion (of anything I've heard)
To break with tradition (they tell me that it's not so hard)
To fold and divide (it's not so hard)
So let's not get carried (away with everything)
Away with the process (from here to in-between)
of elimination (the long goodbye)
I don't want to waste your time.

Tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.
Oh please tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.

Tell me that you're alright, (Hi, everything's great)
Yeah everything is alright. (Everything's fine)
Oh please tell me that you're alright, (Hi, everything's great)
Yeah everything is alright.
(Everything's fine) [x4]


yes....I AM an inconsiderate, controlling, mega bitch....I was wondering why you didn't see it...... I guess u have now..........................

wanna know the only benefit to I need to lose weight right......... now I can do it wont be hard.............cuz stress+not eating+the treadmill momma is gettin in a bit+exlax ((thats right ha))=back to mi old always happens like this

but at least I'll be able to lose like 20pounds again..............even tho...............
I really dont care about the 20pounds right now

Saturday, February 17, 2007


...I don't know why I'm even about to bother to write this because it's not like what I have to say matters but w/e. So, yes...last night I hung out with Eddie, Bj & Rhonda. okay. Eddie showed up around 9:30ish and me bj rhonda and eddie chilled in mi room just talkin n dickin around [[big deal]] ... Rhonda left like 11:30ish...and then about an hour later Eddie and Bj both went home because I had a DEP meeting in the morning and I couldn't be up all OBVIOUSLY Eddie and I didn't do n e thing.........I don't understand WHY you think that I'd fuck Eddie if I hang out with him.....He's a friend. yes I dated him .....well HELLO i dated Jonny...I dated Tony... I dated Brendon....but u dont seem to care that I hang out with them...........u let me hang out with every other guy till all hours of the night but as soon as it's eddie I'm gonna fuck him................THANX!! I'm guessing you dont think I can keep my legs shut around him?? we haven't been dating since July and I haven't had sex with him SINCE JULY! so I'd like to verify we are friends we ARE going to hang out.....I have friends and I'm gonna hang out with them regardless. I'M NOT GONNA SPREAD MI LEGS JUST CUZ I CAN!! ...

Now onto another subject....saying u and Felecia are a lot alike...
yea it is offensive....but its not n e different than ...

"it's not that I dont trust you."
"but I dont trust you around Eddie."
[[uhh durrr therefore u dont trust me]]

so and Felecia are acting the EXACT same way.
She doesn't want him around me........and you dont want me around him
you BOTH think we are gonna fuck if we get together
she worries he's gonna lv her for me
and you've told me u've worried that I'll leave u for him.

well Ed and her have been dating for like6months .... you and i have been dating for like 4months
now all the sudden why do u think I cant be trusted around him?? if i wanted something that bad I would have gotten it WAY B4 NOW!! .............. jeez us

now; I dont care if u believe me or can believe what you want ...... because I KNOW WHATS UP............ you can make up your own assumptions ...Im not gonna bother trying to explain things ne more cuz ur not gonna believe me ne wayz.....


DICK!! muck muck muck
so I wrote on bj's legs last night and I went to announce it to the world at one point or i lifted up her pant legs and was like "LOOK BJ'S A LEZ..."......."wait where did the writing go" and then bj goes "I took a shower" and I was like "OH I DIDN'T" lifting up my pants to show her i still had "no ur the wetarded one" on mi leg....and she goes "haha i didn't either i lied....she spreads her legs and the writing was all on the inside of her leg!! hahahaha I had a soda and I was like is this mine?? and then I couldn't figure out whose it was so bj takes her EMPTY bottle....and VERY LOUDLY shoves it behind her hitting the walls and she goes "NO THATS MI SODA" hahahah what a loser face


So bj and I were making up something and the bj was like "SHHHWEAT!!" and i was like did u just say "shhweat" and she goes "yea idk..." and then we found it so funnie and made it be like swoosh+sweet put together so we would pick our nose in a circle and pull it out and be like shhhhweat!! then we found it hilarious and we tried to high5 and we COMPLETELY MISSED lmao it was funny
YES, his head grew a Stash!

Monday, February 12, 2007

me and bj's life

here is how I see it.......

**8years from now**

Bj and Kendra both marry some massive druggy PILL POPPERS......

Kendra separates from her husband for a while and has an apt. of her own.

Bj smokes pot gets busted...goes home to find her husband high as always and he starts flippin out on her and he's a bj calls Kendra whom lives maybe 20mins away and asks if Bj can stay at Kendra's house AGAIN ((this happens quite often))

so bj leaves her house...goes to the bar and waits for me to come get her n while shes waiting she is having a drunken convo about how her life sux with the bartender and then i get there and we talk cuz we are bestfriends like that .....

and then it happens to me where i have to stay at ur house

man our lives are gonna suck lmao

Sunday, February 11, 2007

man...I'm bored!!

nobody wants to talk to me when I'm high......hahahah Rhonda is the only one talking to me right now so I just basically told everyone to fuck off cuz I'm either doing one of three things "goin to bed" .... "laying down" ..... "or watching TV but really Im just sittin here talking to Rhonda :D ....

so Rhonda and I are having a convo on KENNYS MYSPACE!! hehe tis funnie!! ....
you know what...............nvm im high and rambling I quit
so last night bj was leaning up against the wall on Jimmy's bed and Jeff was like "hey its like smack a mole" and he convinced bj to pop her feet in and out from under the blanket and let him punch her feet like smack a of course me and Jonny have to get in on this bj's like "NO GUYS I'M NOT POPPIN MY FEET OUT 3DIFF DIRECTIONS!! and at the same time jeff jonny and I look up at her in disgust and go "OH YES YOU ARE!!" so obviously she did it!! haha so we all played smack a mole with bj's feet lmao!! omfg hahaha it was so fun!!
[[Jeff]] "Kendra listen, me and Jon have sex in our heads all the time..we just dont do it for real because we dont wanna be gay"
"I think Jeff buys product just so he can smoke WITH us ;) "

"Thats okay....I'm lovin it...................HAHA IT'S LIKE MCDONALDS!!"

Saturday, February 10, 2007

it's an addiction!!

Rehab - Sitting At A Bar

Bartender I really did it this time
Broke my parole to have a good time
When I got home it was 6 a.m.
The door was locked so I kicked it in
She was trippin' on the bills
I think she was high on some pills
She through my shit out into the yard
Then she called me a bum and smacked me real hard
And in my drunkin' stooper
I did what I should of never done
Now I'm sittin' here talking to you
Drunk and on the run

I'm sittin' at a bar on the inside
Waitin' for my ride on the outside
She broke my heart in the trailer park
So I jacked the keys to her fuckin' car
And crashed that piece of shit and then stepped away

You know Moe I'll probably get ten years
So just give me beers til they get here
Yeah I know the sun is comin' up
And ya'll are probably gettin' ready for closin' up
But I'm trying to drown my soul
I'm tired of this life on a dirt road
And everything that I love is gone
And I'm tired of hangin' on

She got me sittin' at a bar on the inside
Waitin' for my ride on the outside
She stole my heart in the trailer park
So I jacked the keys to her fuckin' car
And crashed that piece of shit and then stepped away

I guess it's meant to be
Romance is misery
So much for memories
And now I'm headed to the Penitentary
See me on T.V.
The next cop series
I am a danger
I guess I should've done something about my anger
But I'll never learn
Real things I don't concern
I pour kerosene on everything I love and watch it burn
I know it's my fault
But I wasn't happy it was over
She through a fit so I crashed that piece a shit nova

And now I'm goin' back again
Back to the pen to see my friends
And when we all pile out that county van
They'll ask me where I've been

I've been at a bar on the inside
Waitin' for my ride on the outside
She broke my heart in the trailer park
So I jacked the keys to her fuckin' car
Crashed that piece of shit and then stepped away la la...
...last night Bj and I had to PEE IN THE SNOW!! ........ mmy didn't have water or something so we couldn't pee in the toilet like normal ppl do haha.... we had the option to either walk to sheetz or be true troopers and piss in the snow!! lol so we all peed in the snow...and I got high and I couldn't find my left shoe so I went out was cold!!


This morning Kenny bought doughnuts and handed everyone a doughnut ......... then Kenny and Jimmy went to town again for some reason who knows why?

and then Bj and I layed there for a while and for some reason I got up went to do something found doughnuts and was like WOAH BJ!! so we each ate one and we thought it would be funnie if we ate all of em...and then we ate all eight of the doughnuts and right as we finished the last one we realized what we did and bj's like QUICK HIDE THE BOX.....

so we hid the box and then we watched a movie..and everyone like passed out and when we woke up Kennys' like "wheres mi doughnuts" and me and bj LAUGHED SO it was obvious we knew but we denied it hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

[[mi bad]]

bj and kendra+stoned+food=devoured

so I've established

Bj and I ALWAYS come up with "evil plans" we never just make a plan to do something we always say they are "EVIL plans" just cuz we come up with the bitchiest things we could possibly do...or funniest but mean things hahaha

Thursday, February 8, 2007

It's been to long and I'm lost without you.....

Nothing but an empty page, breathing an open space....captured by your moments grace.....[[again]]...theres so much we left behind....even more that waits [[in time]]....everything undefined...I'm standing on the edge [[I fear]] but now it's become clear....

...Heres my resolution...I'm letting go.

I just want to be as happy as I can be.....[[breath]] it's my resolution!

Living life without mi friend.....finding solace where I stand.....Learning how to live again...all I want is to be happy... something real [[that I can feel]]. I need to move on down this road of never ending's my resolution...I'm letting go.......

[[breath]] ..... it's my resolution.

<<>>Beautiful Goodbye<<>>


..........I wanna do it

*bj reaches in her pocket pulls object out*


Bj: yea


Bj: a grape one!!


web cam fun! Bj's hair haha

"You're blue hair is rad!!"

"I'm liking ur blue hair!"

"sweet, u have blue hair!"

"is your hair blue?"

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


so I guess i need to stop depending on my friends n family .....
....tonight i was rather ya'll know

n nobody wanted to and or was able to fit me into their schedule.... :'(

guess I gotta comfort miself sometimes...

on the brightside...i finished the movie i started 4months ago


Fake nails are indeed flammable
"is that a stem??"


Sunday, February 4, 2007


One dark and snowy night....K-dizzle and Rhon-dizzle were chatting along on the one and only yahoo messenger...

Rhon-dizzle the brave romantic one of the two..............asked K-dizzle to be her valentine..... K-dizzle with hearts in her eyes estatically agreed to being her valentine

[[TRUE LOVE ...or not?]]

...............**MISTY HAZE**..................
.......**CREAPY HORROR MOVIE MUSIC**........

((fuckers u gotta have an imagination to read mi blog!! picture it all PICTURE IT ALL!!))

Kendra...has a confession......picks up the phone and dials 1-800-96-JERRY........

[[with a lisp]] "you could qaulify as a Jerry Springer guest, we're always looking for wild crazy real life storys....." <<[[call they really say it it is the real number!!]]

On the Jerry show....

Kendra: "I agreed to be rhon-dizzle's valentine...BUT I ALREADY HAD ONE!! and I think it's time I confess to Rhonda what I've done...

Jerry "lets Bring out Rhon-dizzle


Jerry "Now lets bring out K-dizzle's first Valentine......

*Bj walks out*



"K*Y Jelly.......For the love of your life....found in Rite Aid, WalMart, Kmart yadda yadda"
*and we're back*

Jerry "as I see it.....Rhon-dizzle (*mumbles* whatever kinda name that is) Don't u have a confession for K-dizzle as well?



**break out in girly fight .....involving hair pulling....scratching.....and biting.........they both take off their shirts flash the crowd.**

Rhonda "well you see K-dizzle.....I have another one too......."

*Mark walks out*
*yadda yadda bitch bitch fight fight bla bla slap!!*

Rhonda "I'm sorry K-dizzle, I love you!!

Kendra "I love you too R-dizzle....but theres ONE more....."


*George and Cory walk out"

Rhonda " least we cheated evenly............"

Kendra "yea .... but this IS jerry springer so shouldn't we like rub our boobs together flash the crowd and say you dont know me or sommin??"

**k-dizzle and R-dizzle....strip......poke eachothers boobs....flash the crowd and scream together....*



Jerry "and that leaves us with another show of jerry Springer....if you'd like to be on our show call this toll free number 1-800-96-JERRY......................that is 1-800-96-JERRY

Chicken <33

yumm just ate some oh so delicious chicken!! so someone just put into perspective for me that these bloggers are like a "life"'s basically a story of my life!! because seriously if I were to print EVERY LAST ONE OF MY BLOGS and put them in a book....ppl would have a daily diary of my life basically <3 for real so it's kind of cool if you ask me!! I think one of these days I'm going to hook my printer up and start printing my blogs as I type them!! hehe then when I'm old all my family can read about my life and be completely facinated on how the world is ..or in their case..."used" to be!!!

So today I didn't wake up till 2:30pm......Damn man!! yea and My hips hurt really bad...they've been hurting since early Saturday morning!!

>>yo momma is so fat she told u to make ur bed and u tried to put a sheet on her......<
yea but n e hoo back to what I was saying ... I need cigs. so I'm planning on Callin Felecia and being like "yo yo bitch wanna hang out.............then convincing her to buy me and Bj cigs lol...." man she has no clue me and bj hate her............I'm wayz I'm outty 2000 <3

lata pimpzzz

Can you SPOT the NOT

when Lent Starts........................I have been inspired by the movie
"40 days and 40 nights"

I'm going to give up ALL sexual actions...... :-D
thats gonna be hard!!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

list for bj.....haha

...Eric Gustin
....Eric Monroe (( bj...I have a confession!))
......Scott ((NOT DUELL))
......Toxic Tony
.Brea ((OKAY SO BREA HAS TO BE INVOLVED BECAUSE IT WAS WITH PAUL!! haha yanno how that goes!! lmao

there ya go Miss Betty <3

Friday, February 2, 2007 Jeff do you try to get in everyones pants when ur alone with them..

>>"no..just sometimes" you're alone with Bj and I alot why dont you ever try to have a threesum with us??

>>"I just said I dont always do it"

........well if I was a guy i would try to have a three sum with us!!

[[bj]]--KENDRA IF YOU WERE A GUY U'D HAVE STDS!!......ur 13th birthday presant would be AIDS!

Me and Bubba goin in the chicken business


>>Fried Chicken.....................................................6.90
>>Fried Chicken.....................................................6.90
>>Fried Chicken.....................................................6.90

>>Fried popcorn chicken..............................4.20

>>Fried Chicken with a succulent (sp) ranch sauce......3.50


Thursday, February 1, 2007

fuck you whore

Bad day.........
[[fuck you whore]]

here is my mega rant......................READ below for my thoughts about you...if you dont think any are directed towards yourself.......ask me and I'll gladly add one.

1.) You DO NOT..let me repeat DO NOT..know STOP UR SHIT TALKIN if u DONT KNWO ME!

2.) when I'm down LEAVE ME THERE..........push me FARTHER!! it makes me feel worse ... making me feel better..........reverse psychology!


4.) if ur not Bj Karrie Rhonda Carly or Brea DONT ASK WHATS WRONG! ur asking for nothing at all.......if I wan't you to know I'LL TELL YOU!!

5.) I realize im not need to tell me -- fuck you whore


7.) stop startin shit just to start shit.........ur run ur little mouth to make other ppl look worse than they are SO U LOOK BETTER THAN THEY ARE..........well if u have to stoop to that level then YOU DESERVE TO FALL OFF A CLIFF!!

8.)................I dont wanna be alone n e more :(

fuck you whore
this last part is directed towards Karrie, bj, rhonda, carly and brea my ladies

I love you all!! thank you for being there and listening to EVERYTHING i have to say no matter what it dont judge me...............I love you ♥

<3 love you all
