Saturday, February 17, 2007


...I don't know why I'm even about to bother to write this because it's not like what I have to say matters but w/e. So, yes...last night I hung out with Eddie, Bj & Rhonda. okay. Eddie showed up around 9:30ish and me bj rhonda and eddie chilled in mi room just talkin n dickin around [[big deal]] ... Rhonda left like 11:30ish...and then about an hour later Eddie and Bj both went home because I had a DEP meeting in the morning and I couldn't be up all OBVIOUSLY Eddie and I didn't do n e thing.........I don't understand WHY you think that I'd fuck Eddie if I hang out with him.....He's a friend. yes I dated him .....well HELLO i dated Jonny...I dated Tony... I dated Brendon....but u dont seem to care that I hang out with them...........u let me hang out with every other guy till all hours of the night but as soon as it's eddie I'm gonna fuck him................THANX!! I'm guessing you dont think I can keep my legs shut around him?? we haven't been dating since July and I haven't had sex with him SINCE JULY! so I'd like to verify we are friends we ARE going to hang out.....I have friends and I'm gonna hang out with them regardless. I'M NOT GONNA SPREAD MI LEGS JUST CUZ I CAN!! ...

Now onto another subject....saying u and Felecia are a lot alike...
yea it is offensive....but its not n e different than ...

"it's not that I dont trust you."
"but I dont trust you around Eddie."
[[uhh durrr therefore u dont trust me]]

so and Felecia are acting the EXACT same way.
She doesn't want him around me........and you dont want me around him
you BOTH think we are gonna fuck if we get together
she worries he's gonna lv her for me
and you've told me u've worried that I'll leave u for him.

well Ed and her have been dating for like6months .... you and i have been dating for like 4months
now all the sudden why do u think I cant be trusted around him?? if i wanted something that bad I would have gotten it WAY B4 NOW!! .............. jeez us

now; I dont care if u believe me or can believe what you want ...... because I KNOW WHATS UP............ you can make up your own assumptions ...Im not gonna bother trying to explain things ne more cuz ur not gonna believe me ne wayz.....



Blogger Jimmy said...

im done


February 18, 2007 at 12:14:00 AM PST  
Blogger Kendra4206969 said...

I'm a way too


February 18, 2007 at 8:24:00 AM PST  

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