Sunday, February 4, 2007

Chicken <33

yumm just ate some oh so delicious chicken!! so someone just put into perspective for me that these bloggers are like a "life"'s basically a story of my life!! because seriously if I were to print EVERY LAST ONE OF MY BLOGS and put them in a book....ppl would have a daily diary of my life basically <3 for real so it's kind of cool if you ask me!! I think one of these days I'm going to hook my printer up and start printing my blogs as I type them!! hehe then when I'm old all my family can read about my life and be completely facinated on how the world is ..or in their case..."used" to be!!!

So today I didn't wake up till 2:30pm......Damn man!! yea and My hips hurt really bad...they've been hurting since early Saturday morning!!

>>yo momma is so fat she told u to make ur bed and u tried to put a sheet on her......<
yea but n e hoo back to what I was saying ... I need cigs. so I'm planning on Callin Felecia and being like "yo yo bitch wanna hang out.............then convincing her to buy me and Bj cigs lol...." man she has no clue me and bj hate her............I'm wayz I'm outty 2000 <3

lata pimpzzz


Blogger 番薯叶娃娃 said...



February 4, 2007 at 6:55:00 PM PST  

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