Sunday, November 25, 2007

update on moi!

TOP TEN THINGS GOIN ON WIT ME...we'll start with 10 and work my way down to the BEST THING!!

10.I'm to lazy to type in paragraph form so Ima simply put a sentence for each thing i have to say cuz i dont wanna detail it. lol

9.had an asthma attack last night...kinda sucked bad's been a year since the accident...and I keep having random break down moments...and it SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSS!! nobody really understands so nobody will listen to me!!

7.I'm pretty much an alcoholic .... I've been drunk for like 2weeks no biggy.

6.I got guitar hero....enough said

5.I got sweet hook ups at this club....this civilian working up on the flight deck is the manager of some club...and he was like drinks are on me and i was like like "haha i'm not 21" and he goes "!!" i was like ALRIGHT I'LL BE THERE!! haha

4.We go on cruise Monday...well fast cruise..kinda sucks can't talk to my baby :(

3.I got a few piercings that I once had if ya'll know know.. "my girl" and my belly button again....I think Ang and I are gonna get our nipples next and another tat. :D lol

2.I don't have to worry about Oscar anymore...Joel is going home next week and he only lives 1.5hours away from Coudersport so he is gonna take a minor detour to my hizzouse and take my wein to my momma :D so thats good my puppy is gonna be safe

1.Dill and I are getting married :D I love him so much and I have never been more excited for something in my life...:-D thats the best thing lately!! :D


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April 17, 2008 at 2:38:00 PM PDT  

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