Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bj: I hate when your parents spe-fis-ic-ally tell you NOT to do something when you lie and do what they spe-fiiiis-ikkk-leeee said not to....

Kendra: yea like sex in the house...

Bj: "Dood!! we just made-out through a baloon!!"

yea we made out through a condom baloon :) OMFG!!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

omg...I hate scary movies when I'm up there!! yanno YIKES!!

le sigh

I dont understand the porblem here.....
I dont understand why...

and I REALLY dont understand him....

stupid time machine........

last night....♥

Bj : sometmes I like to think of you as ......... muh "sista from a black mother" :D
Kendra: ... my moms white? hahaha

^^ wow is funnie :D hahahahaha she makes me laugh

**Bj is RETARDED!! ((well last night she was!!))

.........So Bj, Karrie and I migrated Petes couch to Bj's room again ....
Watching TV as usual haha a commercial comes on.....the commercial is about these grown men
playing in a play pen looking thing such as the ones you can find in McDonalds and Burger Kings you know!!...............well Karrie and I decide that it would be cool if we could still play in those things at OUR age because now we aren't allowed ((you have to be short you know))

..............Bj comes out and announces that SHE was allowed into one of them the last time she was at mcdonalds...

so me and Karrie and pissed that Bj was allowed in and we weren't so we started calling bj retarded and stuff making fun of her saying the only reason SHE is allowed to play and WE aren't is because they have bj's picture printed and posted in all the McDonalds saying she's retarded and can play in them.......

........about 20mins Rhonda comes upstairs and we ask her about it and Rhonda informs us the last time they were in one was like 7years ago...Bj neglected to tell us the last time she was there was 7yrs ago and she just let us call her retarded and make fun of her for that long!! omg haha

it was so hilarious!!


Then we chilled wit Jonny and Jeff...Petes couch migrated to my bed room...and we chilled forever

and then I forgot to call Jimmy back and some other ppl......le sigh..

then I called Jimmy this morning .... and he was all sad like...and i still wanna know why but w/e n e hoo my night was interesting so yea hahah

and today is boring!!! gah nothing to do

Thursday, December 28, 2006


EWWW!! I just droooled!! omfg hahahaha
Shane B. is dancing **he's funnie**....soOo..Im not sure why I'm blogging

I think the letters on the screan show up SLIGHTLY later then the instant I press the button..
or the key i mean...cuz if u pay CLOOOSE hear the key tap
before you see the letter show up is indeed pretty fast...damn if someone was telling me to write this fast I couldn't do it
i guess computers are just smart simple as that OH I GOT A MSG!! YAY

I keep forgetting I'm blogging it is now 10:24....i started this shit 24MINS AGO! and this is as far
as I've gotten!

I'm WETAWDED!! I dont think Jimmy thinks i can MULTi-task...FUCKING CAPS LOCK!! gawd!!!

YES ANOTHER MSG!!! OMG ..I clicked one thing just one and like 50000000 THINGS POPPEDUP AND I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO CLOSE IT AND OMG!!! WOWWWWY! haha

okay So my brain is twitching.....and shane is dancing again so I g2g


shh omg someone is here!! i so just saw headlights

oh wait i lied hahahah it was my across the street neighbors porch light

SHIT ... nvm haha thought i went blind but you knwo what I DIDN'T BECAUSE they neighbors just turned off the porch light WHAT NOW IM NOT BLIND...oh no my theme song stopped!!


damn it my ipod hates me...stoopid smot pokers dont deserve ipods!!!

oops i sed bye like a long time ago...haha i forgot to stop typing

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


soOo this song I have on here ((thanx to Jimmy cuz he's smart enough to do it))'s so my theme song nigguhs!!! hahaha ......

I was really high....and and and yea I dont memeber the story exactly but I do know I was rambling on tawking about me and it seemed as though the entire world was staring down on me and everything evolved around me and to make it even better I'm on the phone with Jimmy and everything at my house is dead silent...Im laying on my sofa in the dark with ZERO lights or tv or anything and Jimmy plays this song...and it was as tho I was floating over top of everyone and this song was playing as like my theme song!! and instantly I announce to Jimmy

"OMG ITS LIKE A THEME SONG!!" haha so here it new theme song yes!!

...........oops I sorta just forgot I was bloggin haha I've had this window up for a while now n forgot I was posting hahaha

ne ways.........I no longer want a theme song quick change of mind eh???
hahaha well ya see...I was trying to put that song on my ipod...and while attempting I deleted EVERY song on my ipod ....and dont know how to put em back on therefore I QUIT
i HATE electronics and I dont want my ipod n e more

**for sale**

w/e I'm pissed......................later

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I finally remembered my password!! BOUT DAMN TIME RIGHT....realized if I got into my YAHOO email....then it would tell me my password...I hadda go through 612emails to find it hahaha but yea I found it <3 YES!

soOo.....Yesterday ((Monday the 18th)) my mom just so happened to walk in on me and Jimmy at 5:30am.....yea thats right lets just say NOT KEWL! lmao! haha but at least she didn't try to pull of stupid shit like tell me not to see him any more ... she just kinda said she's disgusted in my actions and now she is giving me the silent treatment!! :-D HAHAHAH!!!

now lets see here.....

Today is kinda boring..but bellz about to ring so i'll update more later now that I changed my password to be the same as the rest smart

love him <3