Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I finally remembered my password!! BOUT DAMN TIME RIGHT....realized if I got into my YAHOO email....then it would tell me my password...I hadda go through 612emails to find it hahaha but yea I found it <3 YES!

soOo.....Yesterday ((Monday the 18th)) my mom just so happened to walk in on me and Jimmy at 5:30am.....yea thats right lets just say NOT KEWL! lmao! haha but at least she didn't try to pull of stupid shit like tell me not to see him any more ... she just kinda said she's disgusted in my actions and now she is giving me the silent treatment!! :-D HAHAHAH!!!

now lets see here.....

Today is kinda boring..but bellz about to ring so i'll update more later now that I changed my password to be the same as the rest smart

love him <3


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