Wednesday, December 27, 2006


soOo this song I have on here ((thanx to Jimmy cuz he's smart enough to do it))'s so my theme song nigguhs!!! hahaha ......

I was really high....and and and yea I dont memeber the story exactly but I do know I was rambling on tawking about me and it seemed as though the entire world was staring down on me and everything evolved around me and to make it even better I'm on the phone with Jimmy and everything at my house is dead silent...Im laying on my sofa in the dark with ZERO lights or tv or anything and Jimmy plays this song...and it was as tho I was floating over top of everyone and this song was playing as like my theme song!! and instantly I announce to Jimmy

"OMG ITS LIKE A THEME SONG!!" haha so here it new theme song yes!!

...........oops I sorta just forgot I was bloggin haha I've had this window up for a while now n forgot I was posting hahaha

ne ways.........I no longer want a theme song quick change of mind eh???
hahaha well ya see...I was trying to put that song on my ipod...and while attempting I deleted EVERY song on my ipod ....and dont know how to put em back on therefore I QUIT
i HATE electronics and I dont want my ipod n e more

**for sale**

w/e I'm pissed......................later


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