Saturday, December 30, 2006

last night....♥

Bj : sometmes I like to think of you as ......... muh "sista from a black mother" :D
Kendra: ... my moms white? hahaha

^^ wow is funnie :D hahahahaha she makes me laugh

**Bj is RETARDED!! ((well last night she was!!))

.........So Bj, Karrie and I migrated Petes couch to Bj's room again ....
Watching TV as usual haha a commercial comes on.....the commercial is about these grown men
playing in a play pen looking thing such as the ones you can find in McDonalds and Burger Kings you know!!...............well Karrie and I decide that it would be cool if we could still play in those things at OUR age because now we aren't allowed ((you have to be short you know))

..............Bj comes out and announces that SHE was allowed into one of them the last time she was at mcdonalds...

so me and Karrie and pissed that Bj was allowed in and we weren't so we started calling bj retarded and stuff making fun of her saying the only reason SHE is allowed to play and WE aren't is because they have bj's picture printed and posted in all the McDonalds saying she's retarded and can play in them.......

........about 20mins Rhonda comes upstairs and we ask her about it and Rhonda informs us the last time they were in one was like 7years ago...Bj neglected to tell us the last time she was there was 7yrs ago and she just let us call her retarded and make fun of her for that long!! omg haha

it was so hilarious!!


Then we chilled wit Jonny and Jeff...Petes couch migrated to my bed room...and we chilled forever

and then I forgot to call Jimmy back and some other ppl......le sigh..

then I called Jimmy this morning .... and he was all sad like...and i still wanna know why but w/e n e hoo my night was interesting so yea hahah

and today is boring!!! gah nothing to do


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