Monday, May 7, 2007



so like bk in the day when i was like 11 I thought it was cool to talk to people online...I met this guy named Todd..and I thought he was funny though he was older I thought he was HILARIOUS!!! well he always was perverted but whos not these days seriously so I thought nothing of it...yea well I just felt the need to check mi old myspace...and I had a msg from him and I was like woah Todd I haven't talked to him in FOREVER!! well the msg isn't really HIM it's a notice that states..

Subject: Gothik (Todd West)
Body: Hello,

If you are receiving this notice, it is because you are listed as a friend of Todd William West (Gothik) on his MySpace page ( He is also known online as x_cums_in_the_night_x, in_hell_ex_hell, and AmerikanGothik.

Todd's last login to MySpace was July 2006, however, as a courtesy to you, this is to inform you that he has been convicted of charges stemming from his arrest in the Dateline NBC/Perverted-Justice sting operation in Georgia, in which he solicited, for sexual purposes, someone he believed to be 14 years of age.

Todd was shown on Dateline NBC's show, "To Catch A Predator" when he went to the sting house to meet the child for sex, and was confronted by Chris Hansen of Dateline NBC. Todd was convicted of the charges stemming from his arrest and has been sentenced to 10 years in prison, with a minimum of 5 years to serve, 10 years probation following his release, and registration as a sex offender.

While it is never easy to accept that someone you know, even online, has been convicted of such a horrific crime, it is important that you, the general public, be made aware of this serious offense. Chat logs and a conviction report on Todd's case are available at - be forewarned, there may be sexually explicit text and/or images that should not be viewed by children under the age of 18 years of age.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or one of the administrators of

Thanks for your time and attention to this serious matter.

GROSS!!!! here is the convo scroll down at the following link if u wanna read it > it's real long

heres a picture of him below...they were usually more provocative ..... ew


Blogger BakedSalmon said...

Still monitoring this blog? wanna talk about Todd West? I am making a short youtube video regarding his case. It would be a coup to have your input.
Thanks for your service, by the way. My pop was in the navy.
If you care to talk, I can be reached at 1bakedsalmon @ gmail.
Muchos arigatos.

December 19, 2018 at 11:30:00 PM PST  

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