Sunday, November 25, 2007

update on moi!

TOP TEN THINGS GOIN ON WIT ME...we'll start with 10 and work my way down to the BEST THING!!

10.I'm to lazy to type in paragraph form so Ima simply put a sentence for each thing i have to say cuz i dont wanna detail it. lol

9.had an asthma attack last night...kinda sucked bad's been a year since the accident...and I keep having random break down moments...and it SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSS!! nobody really understands so nobody will listen to me!!

7.I'm pretty much an alcoholic .... I've been drunk for like 2weeks no biggy.

6.I got guitar hero....enough said

5.I got sweet hook ups at this club....this civilian working up on the flight deck is the manager of some club...and he was like drinks are on me and i was like like "haha i'm not 21" and he goes "!!" i was like ALRIGHT I'LL BE THERE!! haha

4.We go on cruise Monday...well fast cruise..kinda sucks can't talk to my baby :(

3.I got a few piercings that I once had if ya'll know know.. "my girl" and my belly button again....I think Ang and I are gonna get our nipples next and another tat. :D lol

2.I don't have to worry about Oscar anymore...Joel is going home next week and he only lives 1.5hours away from Coudersport so he is gonna take a minor detour to my hizzouse and take my wein to my momma :D so thats good my puppy is gonna be safe

1.Dill and I are getting married :D I love him so much and I have never been more excited for something in my life...:-D thats the best thing lately!! :D

Sunday, November 18, 2007

the no name blog!!

.:I couldn't think of a title haha:.

|>> so yesterday I was all like WEEE like always you know happy-go-lucky Kendra... Joel and I each bought Guitar we each have our own so I was all excited and shit then after about an hour or three of playing guitar hero..I was about to take a shower then I decided to call Dill quick yanno..say I love you and shit..I do that periodically [thats just how THIS cookie crumbles]
|>>>so anyway...I called him and was talking for a bit before I took my shower and he was theres four places I could get stationed...but none of them are in Virginia...needless to say I got off the phone REAAAL quick while tears built up in mi eyes to take my shower....
|>>>>I pretty much KNEW he wasn't gonna get stationed here...but I kept my hopes up high..but not that it's set in stone...and i KNOW FOR SURE THERE IS NO CHANCE IN HELL that he is gonna be anywhere close to sucks..and I'm pretty much crushed because..idk whats gonna happen...being so far away and shit u know..damn it idk.

so last night Angi (being the bestfriend that she is) let me cry on her shoulder about it while we were of course drinking. and I mentioned how if Dill just did his 6years it would be easier or if I just did my four idk but anyways still thats 4-6years HUNDREDS OF MILES AWAY FROM ONE ANOTHER AND I CAN'T TAKE we were tryin to figure out how we'd get closer to each other and pretty much we would have to be married to get stationed near eachother ((cuz the navy is cool like that they'll work with you to an extent)) even though thats the game plan ((well last I knew it was))...I don't think it's gonna happen anytime pretty much my life has been stomped on and squished like 85billion timez because the Navy doesn't wanna put Dill in Virginia....

love hurts.

on that note....I'm bout to go order some chinese food to ease hunger pains..and call Dill back

lata haterz!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

figure me out...

there is a missing piece to my puzzle...DAMN IT! haha I hate puzzles... so pretty much I sat down for a few days and tried putting this puzzle together .... and noooow I just about finish it and I'M MISSING A PIECE...pretty much I wanna cry due to this piece...if you find this's kinda colorful but has black on the outsides..i doubt you'll find it seeing how I pretty much know where it is but can't reach it but it sounded good soOo. yea.

((read me))((if you can))((figure me out))((if you must))((love me))((if you would))

Had duty yesterday it sucked....could have been worse but at about 0700 I got put on a Fire Watch ((where you watch civilians work incase a fire starts thats it)) so I got there and the civilian was like come back in about an hour we aren't ready I went and chilled in V-3 with Angi...then I went back about 8 and he was like we still aren't rteady so go on another 40min I did and I cam back at about quarter to 9 and he was like come back at 1030 so I did...and at about quarter till 11 he was like go to lunch and come back at 1200 so I came back at 12 and he was like we are gonna start in about an hour so come back.....finially at 1400 we started working...and my watch was over by 1530 lol...then I went and sat in the fly hole with Thomas....and then we had to muster at 1900 for section seven duty section we mustered did TWO FOD WALK DOWNS in the hanger bay ((gay))...then I walked V-3 spaces...and we were went to bed woke up at 0430 got dressed was at work by 0515on the flight deck....did GQ at 0800 - 1100 .. and then the rest was easy day everyday cuz it rained so we couldn't really paint or needle gun on the flight deck cuz obviously that defeats the purpose. haha.

so now it's 1615..we got off work early today THANK GOD!! and I'm chillin hoping to go out to eat tonight with Angi but dunno if thats gonna work out oh well... wanna blog anymore cuz knapp is needing on the computer to pay some Bills or something idk

I ♥ you all

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Haven't blogged in a while so guess it's time to catch up with some things. I'm currently stationed in Virginia for the next FOUR years ((or even more ... could happen))..Can't really be saying where I am what we're doing when we are shipping off and shit..cuz it's kinda illegal to talk about it over the internet ha. but needless to say I'm doing fine. I'm actually doing very well...I'm hoping Dill gets here within the next month that would be FANTASTIC! and then Angela, her boyfriend Dill and I are gonna get an apartment :D that would be FUCKIN GREAT! even if Dill doesn't get stationed we are (we as in Angi, Vassalo and I) are still gonna get an apartment. so that'll still work out cuz it's kinda cramped tryin to sleep on that ship every night lol.

The ship IS HUGE!! I've gotten lost a lot and I meet chiefs and officers who still get lost after being on this ship for multiple years lmao so I guess I'll never figure it out haha
I know how to get to the smoke hall...umm my Berthing (a.k.a. my rack where i sleep) and I can get to the hanger bay....flight deck...and on and off board. and thats really all I Need to know.

Dill and I have been doing good. I trust him with all my heart and since he shows strong trust for me he gives me no reason to act dumb I guess you could say..and on top of that I don't talk to any of my old school friends to often any more..I've changed and they are all doin the same shit they were doing when I left nearly 5months ago. but w/e thats what I expected. but that's off topic..I love Dill a lot.. like this will be the last mans name in this blog you will ever read cuz the name will not change...him and I have been disgussing whats going to happen if he get's stationed west coast....I have faith in him and he might as well have faith in me...he's the only man I have any interest in....and we are hoping to settle down here one of these days. theres this ring .... that will be on my finger's AMAZING...simply amazing and I am so excited for it to be there so I can show that shit off :D and so I can be with my baby for the REST OF MY LIFE!!

we also looked towards the future...Like I'm planning on staying in for 20years and he is only looking into is contracted 6. so we figure it would be easier for us to be together if only one of us was doing the moiving around instead of both of us. and if we were to have kids (had a close call on that one recently)... it would work while I was out to sea he would be able to stay home and tend to the house/family ext. but hey thats the future we'll work with that more as it comes along.

Im living at a friends house now and taking care of my He's safe with me...I can take care of him...and I'm HOPEING that Dill gets stationed here 1.because I love and miss him so much can't go a min without saying his name or at least thinking about him...and then 2. my ship is going to be going on short lil fast cruise things a lot and I'm going to need someone at home with my dog (i.e. Dill and Vassallo) thats good.

hmmm right now I don't have much more to I'm gonna get off the computer and go call Dill.

mucho love to all