Monday, January 15, 2007

Slomming...and Simon Says...

so I dont know if anyone else around here has seen this commercial but I think its REDICULOUS!! for real...

The commercial basically is dumb as hell because we all know we have our retards that are gonna go off and try it because an Anti-Drug commercial said to.

seriously.......since when does sticking leaches on yourself get high..SINCE NEVER....for real when u find a leach that gets you high while sucking your blood pass it this way [[PSYCH!]]...

anyways....this particular commercial (((that I just so happen to be viewing at this very moment....))) shows teens involving in an activity called "Slomming" [[standing for]] "Sticking leaches on myself".......well, what the so say "drug-free" United States Government is ATTEMPTING to say is that...teens are influenced easily and will do just about anything that the crowd is doing.....riiiiight?...wrong we aren't THAT dumb!!

WELL it is understandable WHY they made the point gets across to pot-smokers like myself.......because we know the pot-smoker life unlike non smokers.....BUT some posers OR non smokers MAY indeed think this activity, "SLOMMING", is real and SOME may indeed feel the need to try it....commercials like these are what influence kids to do shit if u ask me... the constant accnolegement of Weeds existance just makes us want it more....


ANOTHER commercial!! this one is on the Radio tho....Karrie was talking about this the other day and I came home today and ACTUALLY HEARD IT when everyone left it was so funny!


"Simon says, Smoke another bowl"

"Simon says, Fail another class"

"Simon says, lay on you're back with your hands on your head"

"Simon says, smoke 3more bowls"

"Be you're own Simon, live above the influence yadda yadda yadda" by the time I smoked the 4th bowl I'd forget I was even playing Simon says!!
Jeff, Karrie, Bj and I agreed on that but seriously these commercials inspire teens to smoke pot!!

[[live above the influence]] .................I AM MY INFLUENCE



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